Tag - habits

From 95% Psoriasis to 5%–10% on His Entire Body: A Success Story of Hope, Determination and Action

His body was affected more than 95% with psoriasis. Despite steroids and topical applications, nothing seemed to have worked. The doctors had put their hands up. The verdict was out. "This is the end of your treatment. You will have to deal with this condition for the rest of your life." Until he came to us in January 2023. ...


5 Habits That May Seem Harmless But Are Actually Bad for You

The future of our health and self reflects in our daily routine and habits. A strong reason why we always encourage you to focus on small wins every day with discipline and consistency. While most of us constantly strive to make the right choices for our health, some of these practices may seem harmless on...

Making Every Bite Count: Your Guide to Healthy Eating and Balanced Nutrition

Making Every Bite Count: Your Guide to Healthy Eating and Balanced Nutrition

If you happened to scroll through your social media timeline this week, you may inevitably have come across several posts celebrating National Nutrition Week. The tradition of commemorating this week in India goes back to 1982. The idea behind it was to educate Indians about the importance of nutrition and encourage them to adopt healthy...

Why are my ears ringing? It could be Tinnitus.

Do your ears ring without a sound? Here’s why and what to do What is Tinnitus, and what are its Statistics? The meaning of the word tinnire is “to ring”. It is the condition that causes ringing in the ears, or abnormal sounds and sensations. The definition of tinnitus is “the perception of noise or ringing in the...

Why we fail to achieve our goals

Why People Fail To Achieve Their Goals

All of us have different goals to achieve in life, like health, financial, relationship, personal growth, and so on. What does it take to achieve these goals, and how can we fail proof our goals? If you are constantly failing at meeting your goals, or in the process of achieving your goals, there are three...

life lessons

Life Lessons Learnt From CEOs, Billionaires And Patients

The more I interact and speak to clients and patients from all across the world, different walks of life, different age groups - the more I learn. No matter where you are today in terms of health, wealth, career, relationships – these life lessons hold true for everyone and will never grow old. It...