sound sleep

Follow These Pre-bedtime Rituals For A Deep And Sound Sleep

A deep and fulfilled sleep is one of the most important aspects of holistic well-being. Having a good sleep is not just about how many hours you sleep. It is also about how well you sleep. Remember, quality over quantity. One could sleep for nine to ten hours and still wake up feeling unrested...


Eating Local Vs Global – Which Is Better?

Humans are brainwashed by society to limit their potential. They are taught to keep themselves in rigid boxes that make them live like frogs in a pond, who are unaware of the outside world and its endless possibilities that could give them a better life. This conditioning is the reason that successful individuals, corporates, relationship...


How to Quit Your Sugar Addiction?

Today we are going to talk about sugar addiction and how to quit it. The reason behind choosing this topic is that today, in my consultation, one of the clients mentioned that she craves sweets every time she is in a stressful situation, and it has become a vicious cycle that makes her feel...

How To Run Your Day Like A Boss

How To Run Your Day Like A Boss

I want you to picture this. You wake up 60 minutes or less before work and then sprint like a 100-meters runner to get ready. You shower in a hurry, skip any form of exercise or priming your body for the day, ignore any form of prayer or giving thanks for a new day, and...


How Life Coaching Helped This Gentleman Move From Diabetic To Non-Diabetic

One can have the most impressive and well-made diet plan, exercise regime, a list of superfoods and supplements, but does all of it matter if you miss two key elements - Discipline and Consistency? Absolutely not. Like Luke often quotes, vitamins D and C (Discipline and Consistency) are at the center of all success, whether...

liver health

All About Liver Love: A Preventive and Lifestyle Approach Towards Liver Health

More often than not, when the topic of preventive healthcare arises, it is uncommon for people to say, “But I am a healthy individual. Why must I invest in preventive wellness? It is redundant to spend money on tests when I am asymptomatic! It is like wasting resources in preparation for calamities that are...

Dreams & Life Purpose

Build Your Dreams & Life Purpose – A 21-Day Journey With Luke Coutinho

Do you remember as children, when someone asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up, we would never bat an eyelid before revealing the most ambitious dreams? No matter how unrealistic or far-fetched they seemed. Our imagination ran wild, and we were uninhibited. We were astronauts on one day, billionaires on...


How Can Positive Affirmations Help You Reach Your Goals

If you ever told yourself – “relax”, “focus”, “take it easy”, “I will be fine” – you were using affirmations. Each of us has used affirmations at some point in our lives. The problem is, most of us use affirmations to focus on negative things rather than positive ones. E.g., “I am tired”, “I am useless”,...


Don’t Blame Your Metabolism

Metabolism has become a buzzword, and everyone seems to be talking about it for all the right reasons. Though what most people don't understand is that metabolism is beyond obesity, digestion, and fat gain. Even people who appear healthy on the outside can have a metabolic dysfunction brewing on the inside. So, there is...

Align Your Chakras - 7 Chakras

The Seven Chakras – Exploring A Mystical Dimension of Ones Self

Everyone is talking about chakras! But, what are they? How do we align them? How do we vibe with it? Is only doing yoga asana practice enough? Whether you've encountered this term when in downward facing dog during your yoga class or done pranayama,  knowing what your chakras are, where to look for them,...

World Yoga Day

Why Did I Start To Embrace Yoga Into My Life

A couple of years ago, I looked down upon yoga, smirked upon it, said it's for old people, it's so slow and just some fancy flexible body doing stuff. With super high testosterone levels, my mind pressed towards heavier weights, aggressive sprints and HIIT. My mind was fast, aggressive and irritable when things didn’t...


How I Learnt The Power Of ‘Slowing Down’ After Six Days Of No Electricity And Wi-Fi

I always take pride in the way I live my life. With over a thousand patients at any given time on my programs, and daily consultations with clients across the globe, I rarely feel rushed and wish for more hours in my day. Who doesn’t want more hours in their day, but for me...