child nutrition

Nutrition For Kids: Guidelines For A Healthy Diet

When it comes to food, little ones are the most difficult to please. Place a bowl of healthy oats mixed with fruits and they will reject it. Offer them a burger or pizza and see them gobble it up with glee in their faces. Exasperating, isn’t it? Children often fret over food choices and are...


How To Cope Up With A Breakup

With so much exposure to spirituality, spiritual healers, self-help books, meditation techniques and meditation camps, ability to leave everything and head to the mountains to find oneself when going through all of these emotions, it’s a wonder how depression, suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, etc. is at its highest. This statement in no way...


You Don’t snooze, you lose!

Many people would not know this but adequate sleep plays an important role in the overall health and well-being of a person. In simple words, adequate sleep is simply as important as regular physical activity and eating a healthy diet. When we sleep, our body rests and conserves energy. Adequate sleep helps in reducing...


Benefits of Lycopene In Tomatoes For Fighting Cancer

Lycopene is a naturally occurring chemical that gives fruits and vegetables the bright red color. It is one amongst a number of pigments called carotenoids. Lycopene is found in tomatoes, red cabbage, mango, carrots, apricots, guavas, red oranges, watermelons, pink grapefruits and rosehips. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that (more…)

lemon water

Amazing Drink to Burn Belly Fat and Other Health Benefits

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can be beneficial for your skin, muscle, weight management, keeps you hydrates, prevents joint pain and overall health. Water helps the body's cells absorb nutrients and protects you from infections. But drinking one or two glasses of warm or hot water every morning might offer (more…)

Lifestyle Hacks to Tackle Dengue

Dengue is a viral infection caused by a certain kind of mosquito. I am not going to go into those details as we are going to come straight to the symptoms and solution. There's really no medication that can treat dengue because it's a viral infection and antibiotics don't work on viruses. This doesn't mean...

type 2 diabetes

Commonalities in Type-2 Diabetes Patients

Type 2 diabetes is not really a disease. Its basically a lifestyle disorder and a dietary illness. This means that a poor lifestyle and dietary habits can lead to type 2 diabetes. This also means that the kind of lifestyle you live and dietary habits you follow play a huge role in reversing it. Over...

happy weight

The Truth About Your Happy Weight

Are you at a weight that allows you to live your life to the fullest? Can you stay fit and healthy without obsessing about food or exercise? Are you at your happy weight? Well, if you have formed overly restrictive food habits, count every bite you eat, put yourself through vigorous exercise regimes, overthink...

lung detox

The Magic Lung Cleanse

Detox your lungs and help the body expel toxins through simple methods. Heres sharing a simple detox plan (as well as a video) that you and your family should get on as soon as possible. Try as a family to support each other through the cleanse. (more…)

good fats

The Importance Of Healthy Fats

In today's busy lives, we hardly get time to think about our health. But one should not forget the old phrase '' Health is wealth''. Thus, no matter what one should not never compromise on health. A healthy lifestyle is extremely important and can help us in the long run. We should make sure that we...

me time

This Vitamin Can Improve Your Emotional Health

For the longest time, we believe that deficiency of even one mineral or vitamin can create innumerable problems in the human body. All of us have believed that vitamin D is only related to bone health, but we find that its far beyond that. Vitamin D is connected with brain health, immunity, production of...

sex life

Tips to Improve Your Sexual Health

  Sexual health is an important aspect of overall health. Sex and making love is a natural part of our lives. As long as sex is safe, respectful and hygienic, you should appreciate the beauty of it. Just as you exercise to achieve a healthy body, there are somethings which you need to do achieve...