Tag - myths

Tea and Coffee is BAD for you Myth or Fact Find Out!

Tea and Coffee is BAD for you: Myth or Fact? Find Out!

Here is a truth bomb for you. There is nothing wrong with coffee or tea. It has been a beverage of choice for centuries. The problem is not having it the right way and at the right time or chugging cup after cup. Do you tend to wake up and have coffee on an...


Carbs at Night to Mangoes for Diabetics: 3 Popular Myths About Food Debunked

Debunking popular food myths. Representational image only. Photo Credits: Freepik/ redgreystock How often have you heard myths around foods you grew up eating? "Rice at night is bad for your heart. Coconut oil is bad for your arteries. Mangoes are off-limits for diabetics,” they said. Today we decided to debunk these common food myths and educate...


7 Common Myths About Kidney Disease

Kidney diseases progress in silence. Image credits: Unsplash The kidneys are one of the five excretory organs that filter blood and eliminate waste from the body. An individual is said to have kidney disease when the waste starts accumulating. The levels of creatinine, urea, and electrolytes thus start increasing in the blood due to the...


Why Is Making Mistakes a Superpower and Not a Super Failure?

Mistakes are failures. Mistakes only mean that you are going to fail. Make ten or more mistakes, and you aren’t getting anywhere. Mistakes are going to put you at the end of the line. These are some of the biggest and most profound myths today when we speak of growth, self-development, climbing corporate ladders, getting ahead in life,...