Tag - comparison

From Stress to Relaxation in Under 3 Minutes With Luke’s Slump, Dump, and Pump Technique

From Stress to Relaxation in Under 3 Minutes With Luke’s Slump, Dump, and Pump Technique

Stressed Out? Fatigued? Feeling Negative? Try Luke's Slump, Dump, and Pump Today A million-dollar question that plagues us all. What is the root cause of most unhappiness in our lives today? Stress Anxiety Fear Insecurity Comparison The emotional baggage of the past Resentment Guilt Hatred Anger Jealousy The inability to forgive And more. The list is almost never-ending, isn't it? Yes, these emotions are a part and parcel of life. But...


Why Is Making Mistakes a Superpower and Not a Super Failure?

Mistakes are failures. Mistakes only mean that you are going to fail. Make ten or more mistakes, and you aren’t getting anywhere. Mistakes are going to put you at the end of the line. These are some of the biggest and most profound myths today when we speak of growth, self-development, climbing corporate ladders, getting ahead in life,...


Our Most Successful Clients Adopted These Top Lifestyle Changes in 2021

As 2021 draws to an end, we decided to look back and reflect on the journeys of our clients over the last year. And these are the top lifestyle changes that had a phenomenal impact on their health and recovery. Want to know more? Watch this video until the end. Delve deeper into the details...