Tag - growth


Why Is Making Mistakes a Superpower and Not a Super Failure?

Mistakes are failures. Mistakes only mean that you are going to fail. Make ten or more mistakes, and you aren’t getting anywhere. Mistakes are going to put you at the end of the line. These are some of the biggest and most profound myths today when we speak of growth, self-development, climbing corporate ladders, getting ahead in life,...

You Are Uniquely Unique!

You Are Uniquely Unique!

  Knowing that you are unique is the first step to start living life consciously. Photo Credits: Pixabay You understand this, and you will understand LIFE, the changes you need to make for better health, relationships, personal growth, abundance, making choices, and feeling good about yourself and life. Do you know what biometrics is? Did you...

Making Every Bite Count: Your Guide to Healthy Eating and Balanced Nutrition

Making Every Bite Count: Your Guide to Healthy Eating and Balanced Nutrition

If you happened to scroll through your social media timeline this week, you may inevitably have come across several posts celebrating National Nutrition Week. The tradition of commemorating this week in India goes back to 1982. The idea behind it was to educate Indians about the importance of nutrition and encourage them to adopt healthy...

Transform Your Life in 29 Days - A Mindfulness Journey With Team Luke

Transform Your Life in 29 Days – A Mindfulness Journey With Team Luke

You may know all about vitamins and minerals good for your body — from A to Zinc. But do you know about the vitamin that possesses the power to transform your complete outlook on life? Vitamin M. Never heard of it? It stands for Mindfulness. With more than 9,000 hours of consulting over the last seven...