Tag - tips

How To Run Your Day Like A Boss

How To Run Your Day Like A Boss

I want you to picture this. You wake up 60 minutes or less before work and then sprint like a 100-meters runner to get ready. You shower in a hurry, skip any form of exercise or priming your body for the day, ignore any form of prayer or giving thanks for a new day, and...

Kokum Coolant

  Kokum Coolant Along the coastal lines and in the southern parts of the country, Kokum or Garcinia Indica is a superfood when it comes to tackling body heat and acidity. Ayurveda too mentions that kokum is instrumental in controlling pitta levels in our body, which is body heat/acidity. This special and popular summer drink popularly...

At Home? Counter All Snack-Attacks With Mindfulness!

Snacks are small portions of food that people have between meals. They are usually a way to bridge long gaps between meals or fill in any gaps in nutrition. Earlier, snacks were fresh, prepared at home, and the portion size was controlled. Today, with the advancement of technology, busier lifestyles, less time to cook,...


Are You Taking Care of Your Kidneys?

World Kidney Health day is celebrated every year on the second Thursday of March. It is a joint initiative of the International Society of Nephrology, and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations. This day is celebrated to create more awareness amongst the population to take care of their kidneys, and reduce the impact of...


Bored? Find Out Why It’s A Good Thing!

In today’s world we are being constantly flooded with a barrage of information and stimulus that we hardly ever get an opportunity to be bored. We are always running from one task to the other and going from one event to another. We’re constantly being entertained. There is nothing stopping us. Be it adults or...

conceive naturally

How To Conceive Naturally

When you look back about 10 years ago, women had normal deliveries. Today the number of C- sections are far more. What has really changed? Nothing. There are very few cases which require a C- section. Also, all of a sudden over the last couple of years In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) has become mainstream...