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Understanding & Healing Diabetes – The Global Killer

Diabetes is a disease that plagues millions of people around the world and not just adults anymore. Teenagers, middle aged people, the elderly and even children. I want to explain how exactly diabetes works, how we can reverse it, how we can prevent it, how we can improve our condition. What comes along with...


Precautions while taking Antibiotics

I see patients every single day and almost 90-95% of them are taking antibiotics the wrong way. I’m not against antibiotics. Sometimes they can save you from a life-threatening disease and in most cases it can add to the quality of our life, but only when it's not used the wrong way. (more…)


Pre and Post Workout Snacking

A lot of people today just jump into workouts munching on a banana because of lack of time. This may not be good for your body or your health goal. We need really good energy in our bodies if we want to have a productive work out. If we have the right amount of...

An Important Trace mineral: Magnesium

We all know that there are 3 macro nutrients; carbohydrates, proteins and fat. But there are also micronutrients which consist of several trace minerals that the body requires in minute amounts. Deficiency of any such trace mineral can lead to innumerable health problems. Lets learn about one such trace mineral, what health issues ...

Fermented Foods

There are a lot of myths around fermented foods like dosas, idlis, dhoklas on whether they are good or bad for you. A lot of people complain of bloating and flatulence, indigestion and acidity post eating fermented foods. I know south Indians whose staple diet used to be fermented foods or comprised mainly of ...

Health Benefits of Ancient Ayurveda Medicine Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling is an age old Indian practice which originates from Ayurveda and which is about 3,000 years old. The process involves using a tablespoon of a good quality cold pressed or wet coconut oil. Many people also use sesame oil or olive oil. You put this oil on your mouth first thing in the morning before...

Inflammation is the Cause of Many Diseases

Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury, viruses, pathogens, bacteria’s. We need inflammation to kick protectors into doing their job and then switch off. The problem with inflammation is when it doesn't switch off and when it becomes chronic. (more…)

The Art Of Drinking Water

There’s art of eating and there’s also the art of drinking water. Human bodies are built up of 70 to 80 billion cells and 75 to 80 percent of these cells live are made up of water. They require water for metabolic activity, for a strong immunity, for weight loss, for cellular function. And...

birth control pills

Hormonal Imbalance and How to Balance Them Naturally

Almost every disease and every medical condition including weight gain or weight loss and a whole number of other complications and ailments in the human body has a connection with hormones.Hormonal balance is the right way to maintain health in the body and an imbalance of the same creates (more…)