Tag - iron deficiency

jeera cumin benefits

Jeera: Add this Magical and Inexpensive Spice to Your Daily Meals Today

A medical research institute divided 88 obese women into two groups. Each of these received nutritional counseling and a diet plan deficient in 500 calories. But there was one difference. One group had a particular spice in their meals. The results showed that the group that consumed this particular spice lost more pounds and...


Are You Gluten-Intolerant or Celiac? Find Out

How many of you have heard about celiac disease? Did you know it affects 1 percent of people around the world? Before you think gluten intolerance and celiac disease are interchangeable, we are going to bust this myth right here. There is a difference. While celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder, gluten intolerance is...

11 Health Benefits of Eating 6 Soaked Black Raisins a Day

How many of you grew up with your mothers and grandmothers encouraging you to soak nuts (almonds or black raisins) overnight before consuming them? Today we want to share a powerful practice that has existed in our country for centuries and can be a simple yet super impactful lifestyle change you could make today....