Tag - fatigue

From Stress to Relaxation in Under 3 Minutes With Luke’s Slump, Dump, and Pump Technique

From Stress to Relaxation in Under 3 Minutes With Luke’s Slump, Dump, and Pump Technique

Stressed Out? Fatigued? Feeling Negative? Try Luke's Slump, Dump, and Pump Today A million-dollar question that plagues us all. What is the root cause of most unhappiness in our lives today? Stress Anxiety Fear Insecurity Comparison The emotional baggage of the past Resentment Guilt Hatred Anger Jealousy The inability to forgive And more. The list is almost never-ending, isn't it? Yes, these emotions are a part and parcel of life. But...

Feeling Tired All the Time Is It Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Find Out.

Feeling Tired All the Time? Is It Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Find Out.

Did you know May 12 marks World Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day? Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), is a problem that plagues millions across the globe. In this, people complain of being tired all the time, no matter what they do. It affects women more than men. You can experience...

beetroot benefits-2

1 Super Veggie, 10 Benefits: Have You Added This Inexpensive Root Vegetable to Your Plate?

When you and I eat this vegetable, it instantly turns our tongues into a deep red hue. Most of us grew up having a love-hate relationship with it. This inexpensive vegetable would always find its place in everything from your sandwich to sabzis and even salads. Scientific studies show how this humble vegetable can...


Are You Gluten-Intolerant or Celiac? Find Out

How many of you have heard about celiac disease? Did you know it affects 1 percent of people around the world? Before you think gluten intolerance and celiac disease are interchangeable, we are going to bust this myth right here. There is a difference. While celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder, gluten intolerance is...