Tag - irritated bowel syndrome (IBS)

leaky gut symptoms fixes

What Is a Leaky Gut? Symptoms, Causes and Fixes

We often get asked why we speak about gut health all the time. Because your gut is the epicenter of good health. It influences neurotransmitter production, digestion, and metabolism and contributes to energy homeostasis (energy inflow and outflow), too. Most metabolic, autoimmune, and cognitive diseases start with gastrointestinal disturbances or imbalances because 70 to 80%...


The Incredible Benefits Of Overnight Soaked Oats

We often speak to you about how every aspect of your health revolves around your gut. Your gut health is not limited to cases of constipation, irritated bowel syndrome (IBS), acidity, or bloating. When you have a health or lifestyle condition that affects your heart, liver, lungs, brain, blood, hair, or skin - it...