home made sweets

8 Healthy Sweets to Make at Home this Festive Season

No festive season is complete without sweets. However, the sad part of this season is that there is a lot of fear and guilt attached to it. Most people start fearing about putting on weight and giving up on their fitness routine as soon as the festive season arrives, yet they have no plan...


Know all about Epidural

An epidural is the most commonly used medical advancement technique that delivers a blissful relief from the body-shaking waves of pain induced during labour. It is injected into the epidural space around the spinal cord. It numbs the lower portion of your body while still enabling you to remain completely alert by temporarily numbing...

ADHD in children

ADHD in Children: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

If you are a parent and the thought of "Am I doing enough for my child?" has continuously played at the back of your mind, then let us understand that you are not alone. It is a thought every second parent goes through at some point in life. However, it should not have to...

Breathing Techniques for Sleep

Top 3 Breathing Exercises For Deep Sleep

Sleep is an inbuilt part of our lives and natural to our cells. It is the deepest meditation and the phase where all the magic occurs. No amount of drugs, caffeine or technology can ever replace what natural sleep and rest can do for our body and mind. However, to truly experience the magic...

Morning Sickness Tea

Morning Sickness Tea

Nausea and vomiting are common discomforts for a pregnant mother. It is a feeling similar to that of a hangover, but happens without a drop of alcohol! For some mothers, it lasts only for the initial few months of pregnancy and for some, throughout the pregnancy.   Well, if pregnancy nausea is dampening your mornings, here...

Knowledge Action Syndrome

This Syndrome Is Affecting Millions Beware!

You have gotten yourself enrolled for the best diet program, taken a gym membership as well, signed up for a chanting class, purchased a couple of self-help books and shopped for some yoga tees for motivation too. But, where is the action? We live in a world where we have an overload of information. The...

Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

There is so much we can do beyond medicine for our health and well-being. Don’t get us wrong when we say "beyond medicine". It does not mean replacing medicines. Let medicines do their work, but there are plenty of other tools that exist beyond the sphere of medicine, and with increasing cases of lifestyle-related...

wonders of a nutrient-rich Indian curry

The wonders of a nutrient-rich Indian curry

Indians should be proud of their Indian curry. Any Indian food that is cooked and served the right way, and within the framework of the laws of nature is one of the best healing cuisines. It isn't fair to say it is the best in the world, because each country must embrace its traditional...

bodyweight exercises

Best Bodyweight Exercises To Get Shredded

How do you want to come out of lockdown? Fitter and healthier, or fatter and sicker? A lot of us put up excuses around gyms being shut, or having no access to personal trainers. As much as that may be a discomfort for most of us, here are few body weight exercises to the...

DIY Stretch Marks Cream

Homemade Stretch Marks Cream

When it comes to stretch marks, there isn’t much we can do to prevent them, but keeping the skin soft and moisturised with the right kind of products can help.   Ingredients:  ½ cup virgin coconut oil ¼ cup cocoa butter /shea butter 2 tsp Vitamin E oil 1 tbsp jojoba oil 1 tbsp rosehip oil ...

Homemade Lip Balm

Want Healthy, Soft, And Kissable Lips? Try This!

Ingredients:  2 tbsp coconut oil 1 tbsp castor oil 1 tbsp shea butter 1 tbsp organic raw honey 1/4 tsp beetroot powder 10 to 12 drops of essential oils (lemon/orange/lavender)   Method: Melt the coconut oil ,castor oil and shea butter using the double boiler method (place the bowl inside the pot partially filled with water...

morning breathing exercise

Wake Up Energised! Morning Breathing Exercises

Breath or prana is our primary life force, without which life would simply cease to exist. However, we often take it for granted. Morning Breathing Exercises (MBEs) are a practice and technique that involve breathing exercises in the morning before you begin your day. Why do we prefer morning? Because, it is a particular...