Get Your FREE Copy of Team Luke’s 101 Guide to Chikungunya Relief Today

With the alarming rise in chikungunya cases across the country, we've witnessed a surge in individuals reaching out to us, seeking relief from severe symptoms, particularly joint pain that can persist for months or sometimes even longer.   While many of our patients recover quickly from joint pain, it also depends on their health history, as...

Writing the outcome

The Power of Writing the Outcome You Want: Your Life’s Blueprint

What if you could shape your reality with just a pen and paper? So many of us live our lives based on what others say. Maybe it's a doctor giving you a prognosis that you have six months to live, or a boss telling you that you’ll never be fit for a promotion. Perhaps...

How to Choose the Best Cooking Oil? Here’s a FREE 101 Guide

One of the most common questions in my inbox and DMs is: Luke, which is the best cooking oil?   When it comes to cooking, choosing the right oil is not just about flavor—it's also about health. A good cooking oil can elevate your dishes while supporting your overall well-being. Here’s a breakdown of the best...

Brain Aneurysms: What you need to know

Brain Aneurysms: What You Need to Know for Prevention

Let's talk about brain aneurysms. These aren’t something you hear about every day, but they’re serious and can be life-threatening if we don’t pay attention. A brain aneurysm is a weak spot in the blood vessel in your brain, which can balloon out and eventually rupture if left unchecked. When that happens, it can...