Tag - potassium

The Truth About Steroids Your 101 Guide To Managing Its Side Effects

The Truth About Steroids: Your 101 Guide To Managing Its Side Effects

What comes to mind when we say steroids? Are you visualizing muscular bodybuilders and athletes taking pills or injecting anabolic steroids to build muscles and enhance performance? These are not the steroids we are talking about.   What you read next is for people who are administered steroids by their doctors for medical conditions, whether it...

95% of High Blood Pressure Cases Can Be Reversed. Here’s How

95% of High Blood Pressure Cases Can Be Reversed. Here’s How

High blood pressure or hypertension is known as a silent killer. But guess what? It doesn't have to be if you identify and take measures to control it before it gets out of hand. The truth is that high blood pressure or hypertension is plaguing millions as you read this. Did you know one...


10 Benefits of Raw Potato Juice You Need to Check Out Now

Potatoes, aloo, batata - many names, but one emotion. Pure love. Who does not love potatoes? From sabzis, curries, and dum biryanis to snacks, mashes, and even salads, the humble potato is loved and adored by people around India and the globe in its various forms. But today, we want to draw your attention...


7 Common Myths About Kidney Disease

Kidney diseases progress in silence. Image credits: Unsplash The kidneys are one of the five excretory organs that filter blood and eliminate waste from the body. An individual is said to have kidney disease when the waste starts accumulating. The levels of creatinine, urea, and electrolytes thus start increasing in the blood due to the...