Tag - reality

Reprogramming your subconscious mind

The 95% Solution: Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind for Limitless Potential

We've all heard about the law of attraction and the wonders of manifestation, but why does it seem to work like magic for some and not for others?   That’s because we are just scratching the surface and unaware of the incredible potential our subconscious minds have!   Let’s Unlock The Limitless Power Within Our Subconscious Mind! We all...

Top 7 Ways To Enhance Your Mood

With our fast-paced lives, we keep jumping from one task to another, one deadline to another, one meeting to another, one party to another, and so on and so forth. We seem to be in a constant rat race and all this running around and juggling various activities causes us to be constantly stimulated....

social media

Social Media And Mental Health

Social media is a boon and a curse. It really depends on what you are using it for, how you use it and how much you use it. Many people spiral into depression and sadness when they think their lives and what they have and how they are living is inadequate compared to the...