Master anything with vitamin D and C

Vitamin D and C: My Secret to Master Anything

To master anything in life, it takes more than just raw talent—you require to have the golden qualities of what I call, Vitamin D and C: Discipline and Consistency. These two attributes can transform your life, making you practically invincible in achieving your goals.      Whether it’s personal growth, career success, or improving your health, discipline,...

Be a healer: 5 medicines that require no medical degree

Be a Healer: 5 Medicines That Require No Medical Degree

Ever wondered how you can become a healer without any pills or potions? It’s simpler than you think.  Some of you may have sick parents, family members, friends, or even children. However, you don't need to be a doctor or nutritionist to be able to help them recover. Over the years, working with countless...

Achieve success with this 2 minute focus

Achieve Anything: Use THIS 2-minute Exercise for Success

If there was a term to define the world and how it operates today, it’s instant gratification. Everyone’s rushing, wanting everything now, and it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle. But real success? It takes time and intention to achieve success. Imagine if you could slow down for just two minutes a...

Change Pride to an attitude of deep humility

The Humility Factor: How Letting Go of Pride Can Change Everything

Before I touch upon the focus of this article, I want to share an interaction I had recently.      I just experienced the most beautiful consult with a patient of mine for eight years. Her cancer keeps coming back all the time. She has gone through 70 chemo cycles. And yet when she comes to me,...

The Truth About Steroids Your 101 Guide To Managing Its Side Effects

The Truth About Steroids: Your 101 Guide To Managing Its Side Effects

What comes to mind when we say steroids? Are you visualizing muscular bodybuilders and athletes taking pills or injecting anabolic steroids to build muscles and enhance performance? These are not the steroids we are talking about.   What you read next is for people who are administered steroids by their doctors for medical conditions, whether it...


From Your Oral Health, Gut, to Liver: Here’s Why You Should Try Mastic Gum

What is mastic gum?   It is a resin from the Mastic or Pistacia lentiscus tree found in the Mediterranean region. It has been widely used throughout civilizations for its medicinal properties.   We have been using the power of this amazing resin successfully for the last 13 years for our clients.   What does mastic gum look like?   You get...

Vitamin K: The Power of Kindness for Health and Healing

Vitamin K: How a Little Kindness Can Change Everything

We all know how important vitamins are. We take them for energy, for our immunity, for our overall health, right? But today, I want to talk about a different kind of vitamin, one that we often overlook—Vitamin K. And no, I’m not talking about the one you get from leafy greens. This "Vitamin K"...

Relying Heavily on Painkillers? Be Careful of THIS in conditon management

Relying Heavily on Painkillers? Be Careful of THIS

As humans, it is in our nature to avoid pain and seek comfort, which is why so many of us keep painkillers handy. These tablets have their moment and purpose in condition management, but the real issue arises when they're misused – taken as casually as one might pop a candy.     The problem is, while...

Autoimmune Disorders Condition Management with the help of reducing chronic stress, improving gut health, and promoting emotional wellness

Autoimmune Disorders: 3 Lifestyle Secrets of Condition Management

Do you ever wonder if there's more to managing autoimmune disorders like vitiligo, eczema, Hashimoto's, or multiple sclerosis than just relying on medications? While immunosuppressants and steroids play a crucial and life-saving role in treatment, their long-term use and dependence can lead to significant side effects.   Autoimmune diseases can cause extreme stress and feel like...

5 Powerful Steps to Stop Complaining and Transform Your Life

5 Powerful Steps to Stop Complaining and Transform Your Life

Have you ever stopped to think about how much energy gets wasted when we keep complaining about the small things? We might not notice it at first, but every time we grumble about the tiniest inconvenience, we’re draining our emotional energy—not just from ourselves but from the people around us.     The truth is, these complaints...

Healthy family

Discover the Secret to a Better Life: 3 Core Foundations

Do you think there is a magic recipe for living a fulfilling life? The magic recipe can be summed up by eating well, exercising regularly, and keeping busy. But, is ticking off tasks on our productivity apps the real key to deep satisfaction?    While these elements are important, they barely scratch the surface of what...

The Vagus Nerve Technique: A Simple Exercise to Sleep Better

Deep Relaxation: Mastering Luke’s Sleep-Inducing Vagus Nerve Technique

How did you sleep last night? I often start conversations with this simple question because I believe deep sleep is our body's natural reset button—a vital, often overlooked, component of our health. Last year, during a particularly stressful period, I found myself struggling with sleep. No matter how exhausted I felt, the moment my...