1 Powerful Lesson on Hope and Never Giving Up From My Incredible Cancer Clients

1 Powerful Lesson on Hope and Never Giving Up From My Incredible Cancer Clients

I remember having a beautiful call with a young patient last year. She had stage 4 cancer. She said many (if not all) people around her had lost hope, including her doctors. She said, "I don't know what will happen to me, Luke. But hope is everything. Even if someone gives me or makes me...

Choosing Hope Over Fear in the Face of Cancer 2 Years Later, Her Reports Continue To Be Clear

Choosing Hope Over Fear in the Face of Cancer: 2 Years Later, Her Reports Continue To Be Clear

Priscilla's journey of choosing hope over fear in the face of cancer. 2 years later, her reports continue to be clear. “Just like flowers do not bloom without some rain, this journey has not been all strength and courage but full of questions, doubts, and challenges. It took me a long time to accept my fate...

Unlock the Magic of Writing A Simple 2-Minute Exercise That Can Transform Your Life!

Unlock the Magic of Writing: A Simple 2-Minute Exercise That Can Transform Your Life!

Writing it down Today, I want to introduce you to a simple exercise that has the potential to transform your life for the better, no matter what situation you may be in. When you read what it is, you may think, "Oh, Luke! It's really basic." Yet, many of us don't do it. It is a...

Two Free-of-Cost Vitamins for Immunity, Longevity, and Health Span

What is the secret to immunity, health, longevity, and lifespan? There are no magic pills and every pillar of your lifestyle matters. But there are two powerful vitamins that I want to write about today. Many of us do not use it as freely as we should. What are these vitamins? Vitamin E (Exercise)...

Living Life Outside the Box: A Musing on My Own Experiences

Living Life out of the Box: A Musing on My Own Experiences

When I reflect on life, I realize a personal pattern of always wanting to live or living outside the box.   Some may call it rebellious and yes that may be true for many instances, through my childhood, teenage years even after that. Maybe even a little as of now, but a lot of it stems...

A Doctor’s 37-Year-Old Struggle of Moving From Severe Psoriasis To Hope

A Doctor’s 37-Year-Old Struggle of Moving From Severe Psoriasis To Hope

A Doctor’s 37-Year-Old Struggle of Moving From Severe Psoriasis To Hope   A 67-year-old doctor from the US came to us with a severe case of psoriasis. He had been struggling with it since 1986.   He had tried Ayurvedic, homeopathic, and steroidal treatments. But nothing helped beyond an extent.   Within the first month of joining...


Joint Pain? Sore Muscles? Sprain? Swelling? This Homemade Magic Oil Can Help

Are you struggling with chronic inflammatory pain? Joint pain? Arthritic pain? Fibromyalgia pain? Sore and aching muscles? Tennis elbow? Sprain? Swelling and bruising? Here is an inexpensive and natural painkiller remedy that can soothe all the above. When I was skating a couple of years ago, I hurt my ankle. I usually don't use painkillers unless...

Mr. Sunil Mishra's Inspiring Tale of Losing 14 kgs and Shrinking His Waist by 6 Inches

Mr. Sunil Mishra’s Inspiring Tale of Losing 14 kgs and Shrinking His Waist by 6 Inches

Mr. Sunil Mishra's Inspiring Tale of Losing 14 kgs and Shrinking His Waist by 6 Inches Mr. Sunil Mishra, a distinguished IFS officer and an Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, first came to us in August 2018. Due to his hectic schedule, countless meetings, and frequent work travel year after year, he...

7-Day Fat Burn Challenge Just 4 Simple Changes To Start Today-2

7-Day Fat Burn Challenge: Just 4 Simple Changes To Start Today

The number of changes you can make to start fat burn are endless. As you read this, many of you may be struggling to shed stubborn fat or sustainably lose weight. You may feel frustrated and anxious. There is so much complication everywhere. Fad diet trends, expensive supplements, crazy and rigorous workout regimens. I am...

Sweating It Out The Surprising Health Benefits of Perspiration You Need To Know

Sweating It Out: The Surprising Health Benefits Of Perspiration That Will Wow You

When was the last time you found yourself sweating? Most people equate sweating with feeling icky, sticky, and unclean, right? It seems uncomfortable. Sweat patches embarrass us. From spraying our armpits with 100 varieties of deodorants and sprays to purchasing dry-fit clothes, we will do anything to avoid running the risk of sweating. But...

Diagnosed With a 5.5 cm Cyst 90 Days Later, Lost 9 Kgs, Ultra Scan Revealed Cyst Had Disappeared

Diagnosed With a 5.5 cm Cyst: 90 Days Later, Lost 9 Kgs, Ultra Scan Revealed Cyst Had Disappeared

In November 2020, we first received a message from her. She was at her lowest, physically and mentally.   Diagnosed with a 5.5 cm cyst in the right ovary with severe abdominal pain. Admitted to the hospital for emergency observation and complication. Discharged with a warning to remove the cyst within a month or if the pain...

Malasana Magic How the Ancient Indian Squat Can Ease Constipation, Aches, Tightness, and More

Malasana Magic: How the Ancient Indian Squat Can Ease Constipation, Aches, Tightness, and More

Decoding The Power of the Great Indian Squat (Malasana) Have you been seated for too long? Are you struggling with constipation? Tight hips? Sluggish digestion? Lower backache? Sciatica pains? And more? The answer may lie in the rich ancient Indian practice of Hatha Yoga - in the deep squat, also known as Malasana or the Garland Pose. In this asana, you spread your...