curry leaves magic herb benefits

Have You Added This Magic Herb To Your Meals?

From dals and sabzis to chutneys and salads, this Indian superfood is found in various preparations. Most of you have probably been eating daily. If you don’t, but want to start eating this superfood, you can add it to your lifestyle starting today. It is easily available in any part of the world. You...

castor oil benefits skin hair gut

Need Better Skin, Hair And Gut Health? Include THIS Miracle Oil In Your Daily Routine

Did you know that a wholesome oil, with a range of therapeutic and medicinal properties, is easily found at every corner pharmacy? One that has its roots embedded deep into Indian culture for its many benefits, used by our parents and grandparents to treat a variety of problems. One that you’ve heard of before,...

Try This 7-Day Water Tracking Challenge. Are You Ready

Try This 7-Day Water Tracking Challenge. Are You Ready?

I often get asked, “Luke, what is the elixir of good health? Is it a beverage, a concoction, a vegetable juice, a smoothie, or a kadha?” The answer was, is, and will always be the same. And most of you may have guessed it already. It is H20. Water. You can live without food for...

osteoblasts bone health

Osteoblasts! Find Out What They Are and Why You Need Them

Have you heard about osteoblasts? No? Well, before we dive straight into the topic, here are some observations that I need to share with you to build context. I have many patients between the ages of 20 to 40, who complain of painful and weakened bones. Upon further checking, we are increasingly meeting people in...

raw honey benefits

8 Reasons To Put Your Money on Honey

Thick, golden, and sticky, it is the fruit of the hard labor of honey bees who gather nectar from flower to flower. Ancient texts and poems not only sing praise and love songs of this golden liquid's sweetness but also laud its highly medicinal properties. It is nature’s medicine in its purest form. Honey...

Why Do Your Farts Smell So Bad? Find Out.

Why Do Your Farts Smell So Bad? Find Out.

You have heard me speak of indigestion, bloating, and acidity at length in the past. One of the interesting and peculiar queries that many of you have asked me to address is about smelly farts. “Luke, why do my farts smell so bad? Does it indicate an issue with my gut or increased inflammation?” Let's break...

Are Fermented Foods Good or Bad Find Out.

Are Fermented Foods Good or Bad For You? Find Out.

Do you love idlis, dosa, dhoklas, sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, kombucha, and other fermented foods as much as we do? Being gut health enthusiasts, we recommend most clients embrace the goodness of fermented foods. Several people today question whether fermented foods are good or bad for our health. Some even complain of bloating, flatulence, indigestion, and...

8 Tips To Handle And Conquer Exam Stress

8 Tips To Handle And Conquer Exam Stress

The exam season is upon us. Being a parent myself and consulting clients across the world who also happen to be parents, here’s something I have learned. Exam fever and stress affect children and are equally draining for parents too. Here are a few tips for both to handle this situation better. We hope...

13 Reasons Why You Are Struggling To Lose Fat

13 Reasons Why You May Be Struggling To Lose Fat

There are billions of people around the world. Yet one of the most googled words is still - fat loss and belly fat loss. Today I want to address this based on pure experience. As we keep learning through our client success stories, we realize that there are people who achieve massive weight loss and...

Millet Magic: Here’s Why You Need To Add These Super Grains to Your Plate

Millet Magic: Here’s Why You Need To Add These Super Grains to Your Plate

Did you know that the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared 2023 the International Year of Millets? Guess who made it possible? India did. How? By creating a proposal that received the overwhelming support of 72 countries! What is so great about millets? Why do I call these the wonder grains of the present...

A 5-Day Gluten-Free And Dairy-Free Challenge For Better Skin, Hair, And Digestion

Try This 5-Day Gluten-Free And Dairy-Free Challenge For Better Skin, Hair, And Digestion

My team and I have been overwhelmed with queries from many of you asking, “Luke, what is the quickest way to feel lighter, lose weight, boost my immunity, lower inflammation, and feel better?” Like I always say - there is no magic pill to do this. But today, I want to throw you a...

This Is the Hidden Secret to Looking Younger and Living Longer

THIS Is the Hidden Secret to Looking Younger and Living Longer

What is the unknown secret to looking younger and living longer? Most people today are chasing the fountain of youth by blowing a big chunk of their paychecks for quick fixes to look more beautiful and younger. On the other hand, some people are less bothered and accept life and graceful aging beautifully. Representational image. Photo...