Tag - Vitamin E

The Truth About Steroids Your 101 Guide To Managing Its Side Effects

The Truth About Steroids: Your 101 Guide To Managing Its Side Effects

What comes to mind when we say steroids? Are you visualizing muscular bodybuilders and athletes taking pills or injecting anabolic steroids to build muscles and enhance performance? These are not the steroids we are talking about.   What you read next is for people who are administered steroids by their doctors for medical conditions, whether it...

Two Free-of-Cost Vitamins for Immunity, Longevity, and Health Span

What is the secret to immunity, health, longevity, and lifespan? There are no magic pills and every pillar of your lifestyle matters. But there are two powerful vitamins that I want to write about today. Many of us do not use it as freely as we should. What are these vitamins? Vitamin E (Exercise)...

hummus health benefits recipes

20 Reasons To Eat Hummus Today: Health Benefits, Innovative Recipes, and More

I grew up in Goa, surrounded by many Lebanese and Israeli friends who I shared meals with. They would have hummus for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Super fit, what struck me, particularly about their features was their quality skin and hair. When asked, they would say that their mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers told them,...


10 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds: From Hair to Skin, Fertility, Sleep, and More

The power of pumpkin seeds. Photo Credits: Freepik Today we will discuss the health benefits of pumpkin seeds. An absolute powerhouse of nutrients, did you know that a cup of pumpkin seeds can give you 19 grams of pure protein? Pumpkin seeds are rich in amino acids that are the building blocks of protein. These...

Hormones Could Affect Your Heart Health: Our Hormone Experts Reveal

The heart and hormone connection is real. Image credits: Unsplash Your life will keep beating until your healthy heart keeps beating. And to have a healthy heart, you must be aware of what matters to your heart! With so much evidence on the link between our habits and our risk for developing certain health risks,...