Tag - concoction

Want to Stimulate Your Liver Function This Homemade Beverage Can Help!

Want to Stimulate Your Liver Function? This Homemade Beverage Can Help!

Let us talk about a simple drink you can make to stimulate the health of your liver. There is too much information about how one can undergo liver detox. But let me tell you, not everything you read is true because you need to understand how toxins accumulate in the human body and what...

gut health concoction

Acidity? Indigestion? Bloating? Try This 3-Ingredient Concoction For Better Gut Health

I want to talk about a simple concoction that uses three readily available ingredients in your kitchen. I have spoken about this before. Whether you are looking at building your gut health or relieving gut-related issues like indigestion, acidity, bloating, and constipation, this concoction could be powerful for you. But before I share the recipe...

cardamom health benefits

Add THIS Spice for Better Digestion, Blood Sugar, BP, Metabolism, Sleep, and Natural Cleanse

Many of us have a love and hate relationship with this spice, especially when you are in the middle of eating a biryani or a lazzatdar pulao and biting on it. It is native to India and a staple ingredient in the cluster of spices that make the traditional garam masala. It even has...

jeera cumin benefits

Jeera: Add this Magical and Inexpensive Spice to Your Daily Meals Today

A medical research institute divided 88 obese women into two groups. Each of these received nutritional counseling and a diet plan deficient in 500 calories. But there was one difference. One group had a particular spice in their meals. The results showed that the group that consumed this particular spice lost more pounds and...


9 Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds: Diabetes, Cancer, Indigestion, Constipation, Sex Drive, and More

Did you know that fenugreek is among the oldest medicinal plants with an exceptional medicinal and nutritional profile? From fiber to linolenic acid, oleic acid, choline, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, nicotinic acid, and niacin, it has several functional elements. Even our ancestors used fenugreek seeds for various health benefits. This powerful seed is...


6 Super Morning Concoctions To Wake Up To

At You Care, we believe in giving your day a powerful start. How do we do this? By setting an impactful morning routine. Creating small yet effective rituals in the first and most sacred hour can lay the perfect foundation for the rest of your day. Morning rituals could include prayers to pranayama, waking up...


4 Concoctions and Remedies to Keep Cold, Cough, and Flu at Bay

While we love the chill in the air as much as our neighbor next door, the season of constant sniffles, runny and clogged noses, coughs, colds, congestion, sinuses and flu is here. So, our experts put together a list of quick and easy-to-prepare homemade concoctions to help you with immediate relief. These homemade brews will...