Tag - brain

4-step mind-hacking technique

The 4-Step Mind-Hacking Technique You Can’t Afford to Miss

  Think of your mind like a secret superpower — it has the ability to help you heal and recover from all sorts of challenges.   Here, we're going to dive into how your thoughts and beliefs play a huge role in your health.   Even though doctors and medications are important, there's another part of the healing puzzle...

Reprogramming your subconscious mind

The 95% Solution: Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind for Limitless Potential

We've all heard about the law of attraction and the wonders of manifestation, but why does it seem to work like magic for some and not for others?   That’s because we are just scratching the surface and unaware of the incredible potential our subconscious minds have!   Let’s Unlock The Limitless Power Within Our Subconscious Mind! We all...

ginger benefits

From Nausea and Brain Health to Cancer: 11 Benefits of the Almighty Ginger

This unassuming spice lies freely in most homes. Often unused to its maximum potential. While some love it, some despise it due to its strong flavor. But today, it is being studied for its highly anti-inflammatory benefits when it comes to treating colorectal cancer too. It is even found in various organic cosmetics. It...

how to stimulate the vagus nerve

10 Simple and Inexpensive Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve Today

Every human being is born with certain powers. Yet, most of us don't even use these today. One such incredible intelligence within you is your ability to stimulate the vagus nerve. What is the vagus nerve? Vagus means wanderer in Latin, which describes how this nerve wanders over your body and reaches various organs. The vagus nerve...


A Cup of Tea for Better Bone, Gut, Brain, and Heart Health

In our research in cancer, immunology, inflammatory and lifestyle diseases, we constantly learn how the simplest foods (that have existed for decades) benefit our health. Today we want to speak to you about one such beverage. This simple beverage improves your bone density, cognitive function, and gut health and lowers inflammation at a deep cellular...

Favourite Beverages For Brain Health

An Integrative Nutritionist’s Favourite Beverages For Brain Health

The human brain is far more complex than any other organism on Earth. Our brains comprise an arsenal of 86 billion neurons and glial cells. Each neuron has branch-like projections called axons and dendrites, which receive and transmit electrochemical signals to communicate with adjoining neurons, whereas the glial cells provide protection to neurons and...


Can Yoga Positively Rewire Your Brain?

Does the thought of yoga rewiring your brain fascinate you? Well, that post-session happiness you often feel isn’t just in your head. Yoga legit brings a change in your brain chemistry. And guess what? You don't need to twist yourself into a pretzel to attain these benefits. Even simple poses can work magic. Let us...