Tag - seeds\

Why are my ears ringing? It could be Tinnitus.

Do your ears ring without a sound? Here’s why and what to do What is Tinnitus, and what are its Statistics? The meaning of the word tinnire is “to ring”. It is the condition that causes ringing in the ears, or abnormal sounds and sensations. The definition of tinnitus is “the perception of noise or ringing in the...

Top 7 Ways To Enhance Your Mood

With our fast-paced lives, we keep jumping from one task to another, one deadline to another, one meeting to another, one party to another, and so on and so forth. We seem to be in a constant rat race and all this running around and juggling various activities causes us to be constantly stimulated....

Omega 3- Your BFF (Best Fat Friend)

Omega-3 fatty acids have received a lot of importance, and earned an excellent deal of respect off late, but do you know what omega-3s are? What are the omega-3 benefits that can convince you to include more of their food sources in your diet? We will unpack these questions one by one, but let us...

seed Cycling

What Is Seed Cycling ? How Does It Effect Hormones ?

With the increasing number of cases of PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) in young girls, menopausal symptoms in women and increasing issues of infertility due to Hormonal imbalance, women have started trying all sorts of diets and exercises. Seed cycling is one of the processes tried by many women to help with hormonal correction, regularize...