Tag - chewing

reverse type 2 diabetes

Can You Reverse Type 2 Diabetes? High Blood Sugar Symptoms, Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes

India is the diabetic capital of the world. Did you know that 1 in 6 people with diabetes globally is from India? As you read this, 74.2 million people are battling diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle condition that  is affecting teenagers, middle-aged people, the elderly, and children too. Did you know Type 2...

indigestion relief remedy

Indigestion (Dyspepsia): Causes, Tips, and Remedies To Manage It

Dyspepsia also known as indigestion is a common gut issue that affects millions of people today. The term is used to describe discomfort or pain within the upper abdomen. It’s not a disease but a gaggle of symptoms that may range from constant bloating, nausea, and burping. Photo Credit: Freepik/@benzoix How does indigestion happen? It is usually...


Migrating Motor Complex: How To Activate the Most Natural Gut Cleanse Ever?

“How do I build good gut health?” This is one of the most googled health questions in 2022. So many of us constantly look for superfoods, cleanses, prebiotics, probiotics, and supplements to take care of our gut. But while these may have their place, many of us forget the basics. Did you know that your body...


Chewing – A Simple Change to Boost Your Digestive Health

We live in a complicated world today. We are constantly on a lookout for things to spend our money on, gadgets that could improve our health, etc, but have forgotten about the intelligence and beauty of nature and our own body. Nature has given us everything we need to maintain good health – immune...