
How Jayshree Said No to Fad Diets and Harnessed the Power of Lifestyle

We always say there is no magic pill for fat loss or weight loss. Diet plans alone do not work. We need to look at lifestyle from a holistic perspective and work on all four pillars to see the real change — balanced nutrition, adequate exercise, quality sleep, and emotional detox. Meet Jayshree Mulchandani as...

lifestyle wellness weight loss luke coutinho

Making 40s Fabulous Again With Lifestyle: A Success Story

When the topic of spending money on health and wellness arises, it is common for many people to say, “But I am a healthy individual. I do not have any active ailments. Why must I invest in my lifestyle or preventive healthcare? Wellness programs and annual checkups are just way too expensive. It is...

immunity free cookbook kids

Gift Your Child Immunity Today. Download Our FREE Immunity Cookbook For Kids Here

For those of you who know us, our love language is food. And we believe that the greatest gift you can give your child is immunity. Turn it into a fun bonding activity, and there you have it. Two beautiful helpings in one bowl – LOVE and IMMUNITY.  We understand how knackering it is to...

How Jaydev Went From 44 Inches to 37 Inches in Just 5 Months Using Lifestyle

Meet Jaydev (JDee). When he first approached my team with his reports his health parameters were unsettling. The JDee that you see now went from 44 inches to 37 inches in just five months. What worked for him? Yes, our holistic wellness approach did. But there was something beyond it too. His unshakeable commitment...

Diwali Sweets

Diwali Sweets And Savouries: Handpicked Recipes To Try This Season

No one wants to hear the word 'diet' during the festive season (not that they work, because only lifestyle changes do). At the same time, if we aren't mindful of our choices, the festivities can add up to a lot of sweets, desserts and festive food. So, this Diwali we are encouraging you and ourselves...

Kids Menu

Confused What To Cook For Your ‘Lil One? Our New Kids Menu Is Here!

Dear Parents, Hope you are using our monthly menus and referring to them for meal ideas for your kids.  Our November menu is ready! Healthy and kid-friendly meal ideas for all 7 days of the week that you can put together for your kids without having to think about nutrition, taste, and appeal because our nutrition experts have...

Irregular Heartbeat

Experiencing Irregular Heartbeat? Here’s What You Can Do.

Irregular heartbeats are also known as arrhythmia. When the heart beats too slow, fast, or with an irregular rhythm, it can be termed as an Irregular Heartbeat. A normal heartbeat is usually between 60 and 100 bpm according to AHA (American Heart Association). When the  heartbeat is too fast (>100 beats per minute), this...


A Guide to Bonding With Your Baby (Even Before it’s Born!)

All women are different and therefore become different mothers. Different isn't a bad thing in itself. There is nothing like the perfect mother, contrary to what society would like you to believe. Some women have strong maternal instincts, they easily bond with their children. It comes naturally to them. However, this might take longer for...

Favourite Beverages For Brain Health

An Integrative Nutritionist’s Favourite Beverages For Brain Health

The human brain is far more complex than any other organism on Earth. Our brains comprise an arsenal of 86 billion neurons and glial cells. Each neuron has branch-like projections called axons and dendrites, which receive and transmit electrochemical signals to communicate with adjoining neurons, whereas the glial cells provide protection to neurons and...


Can Yoga Positively Rewire Your Brain?

Does the thought of yoga rewiring your brain fascinate you? Well, that post-session happiness you often feel isn’t just in your head. Yoga legit brings a change in your brain chemistry. And guess what? You don't need to twist yourself into a pretzel to attain these benefits. Even simple poses can work magic. Let us...

Luke Day at the Raj Bhavan

My Day at the Raj Bhavan: Being Felicitated by the Governor of Maharashtra Among 50 Top Medicine Practitioners & COVID Heroes

On World Mental Health Day, I flew into Mumbai to the Raj Bhavan for a special reason. As I stood alongside 50 of the most celebrated doctors in Mumbai — oncologists, radiologists, physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, surgeons, orthopedics, ICU care practitioners, and many more experts, it was a proud moment not just for me but...

Local vs Global

Eating Local VS Global: Ending This Useless Food Debate!

Now and then, when we scroll through our social media platforms, one of the most common questions that we receive from our YouCare community over and over again is this — “Luke, should we eat only local food? Or should we explore global food too?" We have spoken about this before but today, we...