5 Signs You Are a People Pleaser and How To Change It

5 Signs You Are a People Pleaser and How To Change It

people-pleaser (ˈpē-pəl-ˈplē-zər) (definition): a people pleaser is a person who has an emotional need to please others often at the expense of his or her own needs or desires Are you a people pleaser? Not sure? Let’s find out. Here are five signs that you may be a people pleaser: 1. You find it difficult to say no...

Manifestation Not Working For You Try This

Manifestation Not Working For You? Try This

Imagine a world where your thoughts act as seeds and your mind is the fertile soil in which they grow. Every thought and intention possesses the potential to manifest into outcomes. Before you think manifestation is a buzzword, let me tell you this. Manifestation is more than just wishful thinking, daydreaming or idle wishing. It...

falcon dates

Dates – A Divine Fruit

Dates are a proof that nature always wanted you to relish sweet things, but in a healthy manner. Dates although feared by many in the fitness space have multi-fold benefits for the human body. It’s a wholesome food which can be a part of most of our diets. Dates are considered as a superfood...

This Is The Hidden Secret To A Healthy Gut That No One Told You About (1)

This Is The Hidden Secret To A Healthy Gut That No One Told You About

There's an abundance of information about how you can build a healthy gut. You hear about prebiotics, probiotics, fasting, eliminating gluten and dairy if it doesn't suit you, and looking into food allergens and intolerances. Yes, these are indeed important. But when we get into complications, most of us often miss out on the...

Want to Stimulate Your Liver Function This Homemade Beverage Can Help!

Want to Stimulate Your Liver Function? This Homemade Beverage Can Help!

Let us talk about a simple drink you can make to stimulate the health of your liver. There is too much information about how one can undergo liver detox. But let me tell you, not everything you read is true because you need to understand how toxins accumulate in the human body and what...

Looking for A Miracle Cure For Constipation Try This Inexpensive Hack Instead

Looking for A Miracle Cure For Constipation? Try This Inexpensive Hack Instead

Are you finding it difficult to poop? It may feel like a mere inconvenience, but most people do not realize it can be dangerous and should not be taken lightly. Yes, constipation may be embarrassing to discuss or may not make for the most enticing cocktail party conversation. But if you are struggling with...

Feeling Tired All the Time Is It Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Find Out.

Feeling Tired All the Time? Is It Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Find Out.

Did you know May 12 marks World Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day? Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), is a problem that plagues millions across the globe. In this, people complain of being tired all the time, no matter what they do. It affects women more than men. You can experience...

Did You Get Your Dose of Sunshine Today Here Are 9 Scientific Reasons to Start Today-2

Did You Get Your Dose of Sunshine? Here Are 9 Scientific Reasons to Start Today

How many of you love sunshine? Do you feel at ease when you look at sunrise or sunset? Most people think sunlight is only about Vitamin D. But I beg to differ. Sunshine is a free medicine we are all blessed with in abundance. It is a source of vitality, energy, happiness, life, sleep, mood,...

95% of High Blood Pressure Cases Can Be Reversed. Here’s How

95% of High Blood Pressure Cases Can Be Reversed. Here’s How

High blood pressure or hypertension is known as a silent killer. But guess what? It doesn't have to be if you identify and take measures to control it before it gets out of hand. The truth is that high blood pressure or hypertension is plaguing millions as you read this. Did you know one...