Tag - fat loss

A Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting: Benefits, Dos and Don’ts, and More

What is intermittent fasting? Can it be powerful for health? How does one go about it? Can everybody do it? Are there any side effects? What are the common mistakes to avoid while practicing intermittent fasting? The questions are endless, right? So, our experts at You Care have put together a 101 guide on Intermittent...


10 Reasons Why Mushrooms Are Good for Your Health

Did you know in ancient India and China, mushrooms were given the moniker of the elixir of life and deemed the food of the gods? If you were to ask us why you should include these in your meals, we could list at least 101 reasons. Of course, while maintaining caution. Are you allergic...


How Jayshree Said No to Fad Diets and Harnessed the Power of Lifestyle

We always say there is no magic pill for fat loss or weight loss. Diet plans alone do not work. We need to look at lifestyle from a holistic perspective and work on all four pillars to see the real change — balanced nutrition, adequate exercise, quality sleep, and emotional detox. Meet Jayshree Mulchandani as...

lifestyle wellness weight loss luke coutinho

Making 40s Fabulous Again With Lifestyle: A Success Story

When the topic of spending money on health and wellness arises, it is common for many people to say, “But I am a healthy individual. I do not have any active ailments. Why must I invest in my lifestyle or preventive healthcare? Wellness programs and annual checkups are just way too expensive. It is...

How Jaydev Went From 44 Inches to 37 Inches in Just 5 Months Using Lifestyle

Meet Jaydev (JDee). When he first approached my team with his reports his health parameters were unsettling. The JDee that you see now went from 44 inches to 37 inches in just five months. What worked for him? Yes, our holistic wellness approach did. But there was something beyond it too. His unshakeable commitment...

Making Every Bite Count: Your Guide to Healthy Eating and Balanced Nutrition

Making Every Bite Count: Your Guide to Healthy Eating and Balanced Nutrition

If you happened to scroll through your social media timeline this week, you may inevitably have come across several posts celebrating National Nutrition Week. The tradition of commemorating this week in India goes back to 1982. The idea behind it was to educate Indians about the importance of nutrition and encourage them to adopt healthy...

Simple ways to burn belly fat

Fastest Way To Burn Body Fat

When it comes to losing body fat and belly fat, extreme diets and exercise programs do not work. Fads do not work. Yes, maybe it can help reduce a couple of inches, but that is not sustainable. The moment you stop the fad diet or exercise, you simply pile on all that weight you...