10 Ancient Indian Practices For A Healthy Life.

10 Ancient Indian Practices For A Healthy Life. Are You Practicing Them?

Why do we join our hands when we say namaste? Or sit on the floor when we eat? Why do we avoid wearing footwear in our homes? Almost every culture has different practices and rituals it has lived by and passed down through generations. When we study these closely, we realize the wisdom in them that...

almonds benefits

9 Reasons Why Almonds Are the Best Snack For You

Most of us grew up with our parents encouraging us to eat nuts and seeds soaked overnight. Yet many of us forget that these are fantastic sources of nutrients when we have them the right way and in the correct quantity. Today I want to speak to you about almonds. Here’s some trivia about them....


My Special Message To Children and Parents

"I believe that children are our future Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them a sense of pride to make it easier Let the children's laughter remind us of how we used to be." Whitney Houston - The Greatest Love of All Photo Credit: Freepik/Pressfoto Dear Children, It is time...

gratitude exercise benefits

Have You Tried This 3-Finger Gratitude Exercise?

“Gratitude is a lifeline that can bring you to the surface again when you are going through the most challenging, saddest, and darkest days of life.” - Luke Coutinho Is gratitude powerful? How can it rewire our brains and emotions? How can it transform our lives? Two psychologists from the University of California and Miami...

Common Cold Cough Congestion Flu Try These Concoctions and Home Remedies for Relief

Common Cold? Cough? Congestion? Flu? Try These Easy Concoctions and Home Remedies for Relief

The flu season has officially made its comeback. Most of us have gotten so used to quick fixes or dependence on antibiotics that we have forgotten the traditional methods and kadhas that our parents and grandparents gave us to relieve stubborn common cold, fever, cough, and congestion. While medicines have their place and can be...

gut health concoction

Acidity? Indigestion? Bloating? Try This 3-Ingredient Concoction For Better Gut Health

I want to talk about a simple concoction that uses three readily available ingredients in your kitchen. I have spoken about this before. Whether you are looking at building your gut health or relieving gut-related issues like indigestion, acidity, bloating, and constipation, this concoction could be powerful for you. But before I share the recipe...

10 fat loss mistakes to avoid

Stop Making These Top 10 Fat Loss Mistakes!

How to lose weight? What are the most effective tips for fat loss? We have DMs and queries that pour in from around the world like these. Not just us, these are perhaps some of the most trending health queries you will find on Google. Having consulted over 20,000 clients around the globe over...

beetroot benefits-2

1 Super Veggie, 10 Benefits: Have You Added This Inexpensive Root Vegetable to Your Plate?

When you and I eat this vegetable, it instantly turns our tongues into a deep red hue. Most of us grew up having a love-hate relationship with it. This inexpensive vegetable would always find its place in everything from your sandwich to sabzis and even salads. Scientific studies show how this humble vegetable can...

vaping ugly truth harmful effects

Think Vaping is Harmless? THIS is the Ugly Scientific Truth Behind It

Over the last couple of years, we have seen an increase in clients with infertility. A sudden drop in testosterone, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, and sexual health problems. In the field of integrative and lifestyle medicine, we delve deep into addressing the root cause of your condition. One commonality we found in most...

Conscious About Cellulite? Learn About Its Causes, Lifestyle Changes and DIY Remedies

How often have you looked at the dimpled skin or cellulite on your body and tried to cover it with layers of clothing? Have you looked up home remedies and expensive treatments to reduce their uneven appearance? Research shows that cellulite is a common phenomenon that affects women 85% more than men. It is...

how to stimulate the vagus nerve

10 Simple and Inexpensive Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve Today

Every human being is born with certain powers. Yet, most of us don't even use these today. One such incredible intelligence within you is your ability to stimulate the vagus nerve. What is the vagus nerve? Vagus means wanderer in Latin, which describes how this nerve wanders over your body and reaches various organs. The vagus nerve...

This Is the Most Inexpensive and Fastest Way To Burn Belly Fat

How to lose or burn belly fat? This is perhaps one of the most googled questions of all time. When it comes to losing body and belly fat, there is one thing that I can tell you with confidence. Extreme diets and fad exercise programs do not work. When you hop onto them, yes, you...