
How YOU Helped Us Raise 54 Lakhs in 5 Days for Kids With Cancer!

This is the story of how each of YOU helped us raise 54 Lakhs in 5 days for kids with cancer. But before we get into it, let's backtrack a little bit. It was at the beginning of 2021 when the power of kindness by my You Care community which has supported me through the...

kidney care inexpensive lifestyle changes

The Most Inexpensive Way of Taking Care of Your Kidneys

I want to begin by recollecting a conversation with one of my clients. A hedge fund investor with a massive profile and a well-accomplished individual. He started by speaking to me about all the financial investments he made. I was looking at his health reports that showed a deteriorating kidney. If he did not...

7 day cleanse

Feeling Sluggish and Heavy Post-Festive Season? Try This 7-Day Cleanse

I hope you had a great festive season. I have messages pouring in, saying, "Luke, I overate and drank too much. I am feeling sleep deprived, heavy, and sluggish. My skin and hair are looking and feeling dull. What should I do to cleanse my system?" It is all in the past. It was the...

pistachios nuts benefits

The ‘Skinniest Nut’ In The World: 7 Reasons To Add It To Your Lifestyle

While the Iranians call them the smiling nuts, the Chinese call them happy nuts. Did you guess what the name of this nut is? Pistachios. Also known as pista in Hindi, the wellness world has deemed them one of the skinniest nuts. Why? Because while every nut is irreplaceable and has something unique to offer in...

natural ways to brighten your skin

7 Natural Remedies To Keep Your Skin Bright

We get a lot of queries from young people, especially teenagers asking for tips to lighten and whiten their complexion. It is heartbreaking how their minds have been brainwashed by the beauty industry, media, and society at large, to believe that having brown or dark skin is what they need to change. Even to date,...

pure ghee benefits

The Magic of Pure Ghee: 10 Reasons to Start Embracing It

Remember when you were growing up, how your mothers and grandmothers would put a dollop of shudh desi ghee on your rotis, khichdi, and ladoos? Pure ghee has now been deemed a superfood and sold around the globe for exorbitant prices. The simplest way to use it is to make this at home. As...

raw garlic allicin benefits

7 Reasons to Start Eating Raw Garlic Today

For thousands of years, this ingredient has been used by people not only for its distinct flavor but also for its innumerable health benefits. So much so, that it was also known as the elixir of health. Today I want to address the power and magic of this allium found in almost every household...

free recipe booklet Diwali recipes sweets savories

Download Team Luke’s FREE Booklet of Handpicked & Homemade Diwali Recipes

The season of festivities and light is almost here. And we at Team Luke and You Care want to help you make the best of it and enjoy your sweets and savories without attaching guilt to it. We know many of you fear putting on weight, spiking sugar levels, and missing workouts when the festive...

14 day challenge health weight circadian rhythm

Try This FREE 14-Day Challenge for Better Health and Weight

Today we will not discuss any superfood, spice, seed mix, exercise routine, remedy, or concoction. What I am going to do instead is give you a challenge. Are you up for it? All you need to do is follow this for the next 14 days. You can take a break on the weekend because...

resistant starch gut benefits

Here’s Why You Need Resistant Starch for Better Gut Health

Did you know a natural trick to turn potatoes and rice into blood sugar, gut, and weight-friendly food? All you need to do is cook and cool them for 8-12 hours. Why? Cooking, followed by cooling, turns them into a rich source of resistant starch. What does this mean? Cooling potatoes changes the chemical...

breakfast not important

Breakfast Is NOT the Most Important Meal of the Day. Here’s Why.

For the longest time, most of us were made to believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Most of us were brainwashed to believe that eating breakfast would increase the chance of weight loss or that our metabolic activity is higher in the morning. I am guilty of believing that breakfast...