Tag - children

8 Tips To Handle And Conquer Exam Stress

8 Tips To Handle And Conquer Exam Stress

The exam season is upon us. Being a parent myself and consulting clients across the world who also happen to be parents, here’s something I have learned. Exam fever and stress affect children and are equally draining for parents too. Here are a few tips for both to handle this situation better. We hope...


My Special Message To Children and Parents

"I believe that children are our future Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them a sense of pride to make it easier Let the children's laughter remind us of how we used to be." Whitney Houston - The Greatest Love of All Photo Credit: Freepik/Pressfoto Dear Children, It is time...

breakfast not important

Breakfast Is NOT the Most Important Meal of the Day. Here’s Why.

For the longest time, most of us were made to believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Most of us were brainwashed to believe that eating breakfast would increase the chance of weight loss or that our metabolic activity is higher in the morning. I am guilty of believing that breakfast...

immunity free cookbook kids

Gift Your Child Immunity Today. Download Our FREE Immunity Cookbook For Kids Here

For those of you who know us, our love language is food. And we believe that the greatest gift you can give your child is immunity. Turn it into a fun bonding activity, and there you have it. Two beautiful helpings in one bowl – LOVE and IMMUNITY.  We understand how knackering it is to...

Making Every Bite Count: Your Guide to Healthy Eating and Balanced Nutrition

Making Every Bite Count: Your Guide to Healthy Eating and Balanced Nutrition

If you happened to scroll through your social media timeline this week, you may inevitably have come across several posts celebrating National Nutrition Week. The tradition of commemorating this week in India goes back to 1982. The idea behind it was to educate Indians about the importance of nutrition and encourage them to adopt healthy...

Bottle Gourd Curry – Delish Desi curry

  Bottle Gourd Curry - Delish Desi curry Simple easy to prepare curry made from the wonder vegetable prepared with basic indian spices and served hot as a side along with roti /rice. Cooking panMixing ladle 1 medium bottle gourd (lauki, chopped into cubes)1/2 tbsp cold pressed coconut oil1 tbsp chana dal or yellow moong dal (pre-soaked and...


All Work and No Play – Young Lives During the Pandemic

We have been dealing with the Covid pandemic for over a year now, and in the current conditions, we are repeating the past year in a worse state. However, the next pandemic scare seems to be the after-effects of the current one on our kids' mental health. When the pandemic began, we were all caught...

Power packed Protein Snack: Crunchy SPROUTS TIKKI

Power packed Protein Snack: Crunchy SPROUTS TIKKI Easy to make power packed snack rich in fiber and protein, can be served as a side dish/snack for the family to relish or packed in children meal boxes too. Pan/cast iron tawaMixing bowl 1/2 cup Semi boiled sprouted green moong1.5 tbsp Coriander leaves1.5 tbsp Mint leaves1/2 tbsp...

Raw Banana Curry

  Raw Banana Curry Green banana is an excellent superfood for all ages ranging from babies to elderly citizens. It is recommended to consume while weaning, during pregnancy, post-pregnancy, and various other health disorders such as diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. Green bananas especially benefit the gut, and today, science has established enough correlation between the gut...

Why are my ears ringing? It could be Tinnitus.

Do your ears ring without a sound? Here’s why and what to do What is Tinnitus, and what are its Statistics? The meaning of the word tinnire is “to ring”. It is the condition that causes ringing in the ears, or abnormal sounds and sensations. The definition of tinnitus is “the perception of noise or ringing in the...

Omega 3- Your BFF (Best Fat Friend)

Omega-3 fatty acids have received a lot of importance, and earned an excellent deal of respect off late, but do you know what omega-3s are? What are the omega-3 benefits that can convince you to include more of their food sources in your diet? We will unpack these questions one by one, but let us...

kids immunity-2

Tea for Tots: Immunity Boosting Tea For Children

Our biggest ally in keeping good health is our own immunity and it is crucial to consume ingredients that are effective against viral and bacterial woes. A powerful brew like tea has the potential to boost immunity and keep various ailments at bay. And while a relaxing cup of tea has usually been the...