
How Melatonin Helped Me Recover And Heal Through The Night

What is written below is my experience. This is not medical or lifestyle advice for you.   It’s been eight times over the last one year that I have used 3mg of melatonin and valerian root to induce deeper sleep. I have no problem with sleep. In fact, I consider myself blessed to be able to...

action plan

A Lesson Learnt and An Action Plan Made After the Goa Cyclone

As the cyclone passed along the coast of Goa, we lost all electricity and Wi-Fi for over 2 days. Whist falling trees around us, dark clouds, gusts of powerful wind howled around us, rains lashed every side of our home, water seeped in through the windows, under the doors, it was beautiful sitting in...


A tribute to Pallavi Rao – A Woman of Strength, Courage and Inspiration

We lost her a few days ago. My heart goes out to Rahul and her family. Why I choose to write this piece today is because of the powerful story and lessons learnt and spoken during my time with this amazing lady.  I met Pallavi and Rahul through Vishal Gondal several years ago at...


All Work and No Play – Young Lives During the Pandemic

We have been dealing with the Covid pandemic for over a year now, and in the current conditions, we are repeating the past year in a worse state. However, the next pandemic scare seems to be the after-effects of the current one on our kids' mental health. When the pandemic began, we were all caught...

summer chillers

Summer Chillers Recommended This Season

With the rise in temperature day by day, ensuring that you're well-hydrated and your mind and body are taken care of becomes crucial. The human body is 60% water, and proper hydration is utterly essential for overall health. After all, the water that is consumed optimizes blood pressure, regulates body heat, lubricates the joints, moves...


Ramadan Fasting Guide

Ramadan, the holiest and most spiritual month for the Muslim community world over. 30 days of the sacred month, each spent in discipline and abstinence. However, cultures have transformed to where numerous household kitchens now go into overdrive to satisfy the family's cravings during the day-long fast. The sweetest, fattiest, saltiest, and most calorie-laden fest...

At Home? Counter All Snack-Attacks With Mindfulness!

Snacks are small portions of food that people have between meals. They are usually a way to bridge long gaps between meals or fill in any gaps in nutrition. Earlier, snacks were fresh, prepared at home, and the portion size was controlled. Today, with the advancement of technology, busier lifestyles, less time to cook,...


Are You Taking Care of Your Kidneys?

World Kidney Health day is celebrated every year on the second Thursday of March. It is a joint initiative of the International Society of Nephrology, and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations. This day is celebrated to create more awareness amongst the population to take care of their kidneys, and reduce the impact of...

A Beginners Guide to MCT Oil

MCTs or medium-chain triglycerides are a family of Fats, which contain 6-12 carbon atoms and are fully saturated. They are an excellent source of quick energy owing to their rapid conversion into ketones in the liver, primarily in keto-adapted individuals. Saturated Fats such as Coconut oil, Palm oil, Ghee, Butter, and animal fats are...

Why are my ears ringing? It could be Tinnitus.

Do your ears ring without a sound? Here’s why and what to do What is Tinnitus, and what are its Statistics? The meaning of the word tinnire is “to ring”. It is the condition that causes ringing in the ears, or abnormal sounds and sensations. The definition of tinnitus is “the perception of noise or ringing in the...

Top 7 Ways To Enhance Your Mood

With our fast-paced lives, we keep jumping from one task to another, one deadline to another, one meeting to another, one party to another, and so on and so forth. We seem to be in a constant rat race and all this running around and juggling various activities causes us to be constantly stimulated....

Omega 3- Your BFF (Best Fat Friend)

Omega-3 fatty acids have received a lot of importance, and earned an excellent deal of respect off late, but do you know what omega-3s are? What are the omega-3 benefits that can convince you to include more of their food sources in your diet? We will unpack these questions one by one, but let us...