
Download our Summer Special Booklet for FREE: Quick and Easy Drinks and Cold Soups

It's summertime. Photo Credits: Unsplash Growing up, our summers held a special place in our hearts. From playing lagori in the sun to relishing cold homemade lemonades, our pockets were filled with sunshine and fond memories. But as summer continues to get hotter across the country and stealthily approaches its peak, we have a request...


Sabja: A Magical Seed for Acidity, Heartburn, Constipation, Diabetes and More

Today we want to speak to you about the power of a magical seed. It may seem very small, but its nutritional benefits are tremendous. We are not referring to chia, flax, or fenugreek seeds (though each has its benefits). The magical seed that we want to highlight today is sweet basil seed or...


Healthiest Foods On The Planet: Luke Coutinho’s Top 5 Picks

Food possesses the power to heal. Even our ancestors relied on readily available ingredients from the kitchen to remedy colds, coughs, flu, wounds, and infection. At You Care, we believe in the ability of food to act and behave like medicine when used within the frameworks of nature and consumed the right way. In...


Life Lessons From My Consults: Overcoming Fear and Finding Life Purpose

When I count my blessings, I am thankful for the gift of good health, my family, and the life I make the most of. I have always believed that it doesn’t matter how much or how little you have. What matters is what you do with what you have. It is how I view...


7 Common Myths About Kidney Disease

Kidney diseases progress in silence. Image credits: Unsplash The kidneys are one of the five excretory organs that filter blood and eliminate waste from the body. An individual is said to have kidney disease when the waste starts accumulating. The levels of creatinine, urea, and electrolytes thus start increasing in the blood due to the...


Is Nutrition and Exercise Overhyped? Find Out

How many of you think nutrition and exercise are overhyped? If you do, this simple learning and truth that I will now share with you could be your prescription for better health and life. The more I consult in my field of integrative and lifestyle medicine, the clearer certain things become to me. When I...

21 Ways To Practice Self Care

What comes to mind when we say self care? Be honest here. A luxurious spa, hair treatment, facial, a solo trip, or an exotic vacation? But did you know self care comes in different forms and can be pretty inexpensive? You just need to look beyond the definition of self care that the consumerist...


Why Is Moringa Miraculous?

In our line of work, we constantly keep researching the science behind food and how it is evolving. Truth be told, the gifts of nature have remained the same since the beginning of time. But as science evolves, researchers are now deep-diving into studying the nutritional benefits of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and herbs...


The Power of Cultivating Deep Listening

Are you merely hearing or listening? Picture credits: All Ear Plugs  Listening is not a mere act, it's a skill. Listening to understand, and not to reply, judge, or offer solutions. Just to understand. Every human being wants to be heard, and deep listening is healing and deeply comforting. Anyone who has owned a pet,...

Hormones Could Affect Your Heart Health: Our Hormone Experts Reveal

The heart and hormone connection is real. Image credits: Unsplash Your life will keep beating until your healthy heart keeps beating. And to have a healthy heart, you must be aware of what matters to your heart! With so much evidence on the link between our habits and our risk for developing certain health risks,...


Why Is Making Mistakes a Superpower and Not a Super Failure?

Mistakes are failures. Mistakes only mean that you are going to fail. Make ten or more mistakes, and you aren’t getting anywhere. Mistakes are going to put you at the end of the line. These are some of the biggest and most profound myths today when we speak of growth, self-development, climbing corporate ladders, getting ahead in life,...