Tag - seeds\

Lifestyle tips for breast and prostate health

Looking for Ways to Support Your Breast and Prostate Health? Start with These 7 Lifestyle Hacks!

  The world talks a lot about breast cancer, but what about breast health itself?   How many women actually take their breast health seriously? Well, the truth is, not enough.   In fact, very few women prioritize regular breast health check-ups.   But here's the thing: it's time for a change. It's time for women to start taking their breasts...

almonds benefits

9 Reasons Why Almonds Are the Best Snack For You

Most of us grew up with our parents encouraging us to eat nuts and seeds soaked overnight. Yet many of us forget that these are fantastic sources of nutrients when we have them the right way and in the correct quantity. Today I want to speak to you about almonds. Here’s some trivia about them....

7 day cleanse

Feeling Sluggish and Heavy Post-Festive Season? Try This 7-Day Cleanse

I hope you had a great festive season. I have messages pouring in, saying, "Luke, I overate and drank too much. I am feeling sleep deprived, heavy, and sluggish. My skin and hair are looking and feeling dull. What should I do to cleanse my system?" It is all in the past. It was the...

soak nuts seeds grains

4 Reasons Why You Should Soak Nuts, Seeds, and Grains

How many of you grew up being told by your mothers and grandmothers to always soak nuts, seeds, and grains before consuming them? Our ancestors passed this practice down to us. Many continue to do this to date without questioning the science behind it. Have you ever wondered why it matters? Representational image only. Photo...

sesame seeds benefits

A Magical Seed For High BP, Blood Sugar, Thyroid, Menopause, Arthritis, and More

From mouthwatering tilgul ladoos to chikkis, salad dressings, and even the tahini paste in hummus, this powerful seed has been used by civilizations, cultures, and geographies. From the Middle East to South America, North America, the Far East, and Asia - they make an appearance in several main and side dishes alike. These seeds...


The Incredible Benefits Of Overnight Soaked Oats

We often speak to you about how every aspect of your health revolves around your gut. Your gut health is not limited to cases of constipation, irritated bowel syndrome (IBS), acidity, or bloating. When you have a health or lifestyle condition that affects your heart, liver, lungs, brain, blood, hair, or skin - it...


Health Benefits of Dry Fasting: How Does Dry Fasting Work?

As you read this, millions of people around the globe are practicing and experiencing the miracles of fasting. Fasting (intermittent and dry) has existed for centuries across civilizations as a lifestyle and religious practice. It is about time that we bring its benefits to the larger world. The difference between intermittent fasting and dry fasting...

Hormones Could Affect Your Heart Health: Our Hormone Experts Reveal

The heart and hormone connection is real. Image credits: Unsplash Your life will keep beating until your healthy heart keeps beating. And to have a healthy heart, you must be aware of what matters to your heart! With so much evidence on the link between our habits and our risk for developing certain health risks,...