Tag - sleep

cardamom health benefits

Add THIS Spice for Better Digestion, Blood Sugar, BP, Metabolism, Sleep, and Natural Cleanse

Many of us have a love and hate relationship with this spice, especially when you are in the middle of eating a biryani or a lazzatdar pulao and biting on it. It is native to India and a staple ingredient in the cluster of spices that make the traditional garam masala. It even has...

sleep mistakes to avoid

Stop Making These 8 Sleep Mistakes!

“One of the most under-utilized, powerful, and natural drugs with zero side effects and a macro holistic healing effect is deep sleep. Use it well.” - Luke Coutinho Sleep is gold. You have heard me speak about how 1 in 4 people I consult with is chronically sleep-deprived umpteen times. So, instead of replaying the...

jeera cumin benefits

Jeera: Add this Magical and Inexpensive Spice to Your Daily Meals Today

A medical research institute divided 88 obese women into two groups. Each of these received nutritional counseling and a diet plan deficient in 500 calories. But there was one difference. One group had a particular spice in their meals. The results showed that the group that consumed this particular spice lost more pounds and...


How Divine Grace Sustained Me

I hope each of you is doing well. As you know, I keep talking about divine grace and energy that exists in and around all of us. Yet, sometimes we move so fast in our lives or have too much chatter in the mind that we fail to realize its existence. Practicing mindfulness and reflection...


We Suggested THIS Concoction To Our Diabetes Clients For 8-10 Weeks, and Voila

Did you know one out of six people with diabetes globally is from India? We rank second in the world (after China) with over 77 million diabetes cases. As you read this, millions of people are dying each year because of uncontrolled diabetes. It makes the virus look feeble compared to the havoc diabetes...


10 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds: From Hair to Skin, Fertility, Sleep, and More

The power of pumpkin seeds. Photo Credits: Freepik Today we will discuss the health benefits of pumpkin seeds. An absolute powerhouse of nutrients, did you know that a cup of pumpkin seeds can give you 19 grams of pure protein? Pumpkin seeds are rich in amino acids that are the building blocks of protein. These...

11 Health Benefits of Eating 6 Soaked Black Raisins a Day

How many of you grew up with your mothers and grandmothers encouraging you to soak nuts (almonds or black raisins) overnight before consuming them? Today we want to share a powerful practice that has existed in our country for centuries and can be a simple yet super impactful lifestyle change you could make today....


Is Nutrition and Exercise Overhyped? Find Out

How many of you think nutrition and exercise are overhyped? If you do, this simple learning and truth that I will now share with you could be your prescription for better health and life. The more I consult in my field of integrative and lifestyle medicine, the clearer certain things become to me. When I...


Luke Coutinho’s Tips to Give Yourself a Healthy Start in 2022

Luke Coutinho, an award-winning life coach who practices in the field of integrative lifestyle medicine, tells Anand Raj OK how by making small but important lifestyle changes, we can reap major health benefits. (One of the changes is so simple you can do it literally with your eyes closed!) Luke on the cover of Friday...

Overcoming Grief: How to Deal With a Loved One’s Loss?

Overcoming Grief: How to Deal With a Loved One’s Loss

“Grief is a cruel kind of education. You learn how ungentle mourning can be, how full of anger. You learn how glib condolences can feel. You learn how much grief is about language, the failure of language, and the grasping for language.” - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Notes on Grief Death is inevitable and so is the...

late night workers

How Can Late-night Workers Have An Improved Sleeping Schedule?

If you could illustrate your health and wellness score on a pie chart, nutrition and exercise only make half of your entire health game. The quality of your sleep and emotional wellness play equally bigger roles and deserve the same attention. This is why you always hear us talking about giving equal importance and...