Reprogramming your subconscious mind

The 95% Solution: Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind for Limitless Potential

We've all heard about the law of attraction and the wonders of manifestation, but why does it seem to work like magic for some and not for others?   That’s because we are just scratching the surface and unaware of the incredible potential our subconscious minds have!   Let’s Unlock The Limitless Power Within Our Subconscious Mind! We all...

Foods that boost stem cell production

Can Food Choices Naturally Boost Your Stem Cell Production? Here’s the Truth!

We often hear about stem cells in specific medical contexts, such as childbirth or advanced cancer treatments.   However, did you know that every one of us is built up of stem cells? Yes, you read that right!   Stem Cells are the building blocks of our bodies! Present in every organ and tissue, unlike specialized cells, stem cells...

Lose fat by maintaining emotional wellbeing

Struggling to Lose Fat? This is the #1 Reason Why

  Are you tired of counting calories and measuring every morsel of food you consume in your quest to lose fat?   Does the idea of losing fat fill you with fear and guilt rather than excitement?   If yes, you’re at the right place!   Here we dive into a lesser known aspect of fat loss that often goes unnoticed...

My Top Lifestyle Choices for Better Gut Health

My Top Food and Lifestyle Choices for Better Gut Health

  Your gut is a bustling rainforest teeming with life—except this isn't an Amazon jungle!   About 100 trillion bacteria reside in the gut, forming the gut microbiome, and producing numerous health effects.   Just like various species shape a rainforest, microscopic microbial species form a complex network in your gut, impacting your health in ways you might not...

Foods that lower energy and dull your brain

Low Energy Culprits: 4 Surprising Foods that Might be Dulling Your Brain

You are what you eat!   Sounds cliché? But if you dive deeper, you'll uncover a timeless truth that goes beyond today's popular diets and trends. Did you know? Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates — The father of medicine, asserted nutrition as a remedy.   Fast forward to today, and we are still unraveling the mysteries of how...

Protect your lungs from air pollution

3 Surprising Kitchen and Lifestyle Hacks that Protect You from Air Pollution

This year, Delhi experienced the world's worst air quality index - equivalent to smoking approximately 25-30 cigarettes a day, highlighting the urgent need for a robust plan to combat air pollution.   But can we change the pollution levels? The answer is a resounding NO!   The impact of air pollution on respiratory health is undeniable, and rather...

Harnessing the power of breath

Harnessing the Power of Breath: Your Key to Improved Health and Well-being

Think about it: Do you remind your heart to beat, your eyes to blink, or your liver to work? When you eat, do you instruct your body to extract essential nutrients from your food?   No, you don't!   It's the body’s innate intelligence within you that handles these processes.   So, how do we tap into this incredible internal...

Download your FREE copy of our Diwali Sweets and Savories Booklet here

Download Your FREE Copy of Team Luke’s Diwali Sweets and Savories Booklet Here

No festive season is complete without sweets and savories. But let's be honest, most of us attach a lot of guilt to it. We fear putting on weight, spiking sugar levels, and missing workouts when the festive season arrives. Yet, very few of us make the effort to chart an action plan to overcome these...

How A Blob Of Jaggery Can Help Your Lungs A Time-Tested and Scientifically-Proven Remedy

How A Blob Of Jaggery Can Help Your Lungs: A Time-Tested and Scientifically-Proven Remedy

The main issue with the current rise in air pollution is that dust particles and harmful pollutants (carbon) get trapped in the lung alveoli and cause inflammation.   The fantastic research on jaggery shows how it can help this issue by:   ✔️Trapping the pollutants from the lungs ✔️Translocating the pollutants from the lungs to lymph nodes ✔️Activating defense mechanisms...

Simple hack for better gut health

I Ate a Hearty Meal with Zero Bloating: Here’s a Simple Hack to Boost Your Gut Health

During my recent book launch in Jaipur for ‘Small Wins Every Day — a national bestseller,’ I had the privilege of staying at the Taj Rambagh Palace and indulging in a traditional Rajasthani thali for lunch - packed with pure ghee, animal and vegetarian protein, creating a delicious feast.   Surprisingly, despite consuming a significant amount...

Sunday Homework for Inner Peace and Joy: The Story of the Stubborn Suitcase That Wouldn’t Close

Sunday Exercise for Inner Peace and Joy: The Story of the Stubborn Suitcase That Wouldn’t Close

The story of the stubborn suitcase that wouldn't close. A simple and powerful Sunday exercise for inner peace and inner joy. A lesson on acceptance, letting go, and flowing. Have you wondered what or who do you need to let go of to receive something or someone better in your life? Let me set the context first...

The Power of Taking One Day at a Time

The Power of Taking One Day at a Time

How many of you have struggled to fully enjoy the present day because your mind is consumed with thoughts of the uncertain future?   It's a challenge many of us face, the battle between the beauty of the present and the anxiety about what lies ahead. Stress and worry often cloud our minds, preventing us from...