Tag - meditation

Living Life Outside the Box: A Musing on My Own Experiences

Living Life out of the Box: A Musing on My Own Experiences

When I reflect on life, I realize a personal pattern of always wanting to live or living outside the box.   Some may call it rebellious and yes that may be true for many instances, through my childhood, teenage years even after that. Maybe even a little as of now, but a lot of it stems...

7-Day Fat Burn Challenge Just 4 Simple Changes To Start Today-2

7-Day Fat Burn Challenge: Just 4 Simple Changes To Start Today

The number of changes you can make to start fat burn are endless. As you read this, many of you may be struggling to shed stubborn fat or sustainably lose weight. You may feel frustrated and anxious. There is so much complication everywhere. Fad diet trends, expensive supplements, crazy and rigorous workout regimens. I am...

From Stress to Relaxation in Under 3 Minutes With Luke’s Slump, Dump, and Pump Technique

From Stress to Relaxation in Under 3 Minutes With Luke’s Slump, Dump, and Pump Technique

Stressed Out? Fatigued? Feeling Negative? Try Luke's Slump, Dump, and Pump Today A million-dollar question that plagues us all. What is the root cause of most unhappiness in our lives today? Stress Anxiety Fear Insecurity Comparison The emotional baggage of the past Resentment Guilt Hatred Anger Jealousy The inability to forgive And more. The list is almost never-ending, isn't it? Yes, these emotions are a part and parcel of life. But...

This Is the Hidden Secret to Looking Younger and Living Longer

THIS Is the Hidden Secret to Looking Younger and Living Longer

What is the unknown secret to looking younger and living longer? Most people today are chasing the fountain of youth by blowing a big chunk of their paychecks for quick fixes to look more beautiful and younger. On the other hand, some people are less bothered and accept life and graceful aging beautifully. Representational image. Photo...

10 fat loss mistakes to avoid

Stop Making These Top 10 Fat Loss Mistakes!

How to lose weight? What are the most effective tips for fat loss? We have DMs and queries that pour in from around the world like these. Not just us, these are perhaps some of the most trending health queries you will find on Google. Having consulted over 20,000 clients around the globe over...

how to stimulate the vagus nerve

10 Simple and Inexpensive Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve Today

Every human being is born with certain powers. Yet, most of us don't even use these today. One such incredible intelligence within you is your ability to stimulate the vagus nerve. What is the vagus nerve? Vagus means wanderer in Latin, which describes how this nerve wanders over your body and reaches various organs. The vagus nerve...

21 Ways To Practice Self Care

What comes to mind when we say self care? Be honest here. A luxurious spa, hair treatment, facial, a solo trip, or an exotic vacation? But did you know self care comes in different forms and can be pretty inexpensive? You just need to look beyond the definition of self care that the consumerist...


How To Cure Burnout?

What comes to mind when we say burnout? Perhaps many of you reading this have faced this at some or other point in life or are struggling with it as you read this. Did you know even the World Health Organization changed its definition of burnout? From calling it a stress syndrome, it has...


Luke Coutinho’s Tips to Give Yourself a Healthy Start in 2022

Luke Coutinho, an award-winning life coach who practices in the field of integrative lifestyle medicine, tells Anand Raj OK how by making small but important lifestyle changes, we can reap major health benefits. (One of the changes is so simple you can do it literally with your eyes closed!) Luke on the cover of Friday...


Our Most Successful Clients Adopted These Top Lifestyle Changes in 2021

As 2021 draws to an end, we decided to look back and reflect on the journeys of our clients over the last year. And these are the top lifestyle changes that had a phenomenal impact on their health and recovery. Want to know more? Watch this video until the end. Delve deeper into the details...

PW: Lukeyoucare@2021

From Doing To Being Yoga – 5 Secrets To Let Yoga Bliss Spill Into Your Life

The clock is ticking five. You get into your yoga wear, roll out your mat, set an alarm for 30 minutes, perform one asana after the other, throw in a couple of deep breaths, a minute or two of forceful meditation, and lastly Shavasana. Then, as the alarm goes off, you give a sigh...


Memories From Morges, Switzerland: Learning the Art of Giving and Receiving With Grace

Morges, Switzerland November 2021 In our lives, we are continuously made aware of the power of giving. It is the best, deepest, and most fulfilling feeling — when done without expectation, straight from the heart. When we give unconditionally, we experience a powerful emotion that money cannot buy. And while for the longest time, we have...